Monday, June 9, 2008

Random stuff .. Indian Educational System !!

first blog ..

mine ..

have you ever thought of a random person writing a random blog ..

if you haven't , well , this is how it would look .. i guess ..

well , firstly , why do people blog ? i mean i don't really get the concept of blogging ..

i guess lonely people do it for some solace .. a hope may be .. a forum to express themselves ..

stars do it because the websites pay them .. and its good publicity ..

and others, just like that because everyone else is blogging ??? may be ..

my purpose though , is simple .. i found my vocab/english/whatever going really bad ..

needed some place to write .. something .. anything ..

so .. blog !!

and as i think of it , i have managed some random shit in this post of mine ..

dunno what i will do in the following ones .. i mean , what will i talk about ..????

lets see .. any day theres a substantial cricket/soccer match , I'll have loads to say ..

may be some politics .. Indian educational system .. boy would like to take a blast at that .. may be some innovative ideas (i totally doubt their practicality though) from yours truly sometime .. otherwise .. more random shit ..

hmm .. i hate the educational system i am in .. have been subjected to this bull shit all my life ..

u go to school/college/university .. people teach random stuff ( most don't know what they are teaching/lecturing .. they only read it a day before , because they needed to deliver a lecture the next day .. some of them are good though .. very rare) .. they have no passion for their job ; teaching .. none whatsoever ..

then theres an exam at the end of the semester/term to test who can remember/retain/rut the maximum .. bull shit .. seriously ..

why cant there be more debates .. more labs .. more discussions on topics .. more innovation promoted among students .. why not text books to provoke the child's mind .. better judgment criteria ..??

Actually , the worst thing is , in India middle class parents (which is say 85%) want an engineer/doctor child .. no compromise

what happened to the athletes, cooks, chartered accountants, lawyers, designers, artists, hoteliers, musicians ??
Are they not people .. don't they have a life ..??

i mean why the hell do you want your child to study, when he/she has no intentions of doing so ..??

why cant you realize that he/she is much better at some other thing and help nurture that talent in the child rather than force your expectations and wishes on them ..

you only want your child to have heavy pockets when they grow up ..

what about work satisfaction ? peace of mind ? .. that happy feeling at the end of a day ??

only comes when you do , what you like ..
which unfortunately , the parents have forgotten ..

It is seriously a sad situation .. and isn't going to change anytime soon .. hope it does though

So much for my random post .. went from i dunno where to where ..!!

amateur blogger ... me :)

though it doesnt seem to be doing anything to my vocab , i will keep posting for a few days .. no harm done i guess .. that will be all for now ..

people laugh at me coz i am different ..
i laugh at them , coz they are all the same ..
thats 'attitude' ..
and i live it !!

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