Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Young Indian Engineers

Amateur Blogger is back :) ..

Don't see myself getting anywhere in the blog scenario.
I just don't have an idea what to talk about.
As if that isn't bad enough ,i keep looking at these blogs which have really hi-fi, over my head stuff. How do these people get such ideas.Man i feel like the least creative person on the planet ,as far as writing goes.
One thing I think that has a big say in how and what you write is , 'how much you read'. I don't. Very rarely. Just don't have the patience and passion needed for reading. Regret it though, 'not being able to read', that is.

Now moving on to my topic ( fortunately, I have something in mind this time around).
As I see it, the average Indian graduate is a person looking to make as much money as possible, keep parents happy, secure the future for him/herself and family.
Make money eh. Two ways. Go Abroad or Do an MBA.

1)Going abroad is a piece of cake. Got the cash ? Write GRE. Anyone in his/her right mind and with decent preparation should get 1200+ .VISA is the only problem.But once that is done, fly. Man its simple.
Struggle and learn how to make electricity at home .Go light the neighbours house.

2)Agreed, MBA in a decent college is tougher than an MS abroad. But with the number of MBA colleges springing up, getting a seat is still no big deal.

So is that all to life ?
Get a high-fi degree , a high-fi job in an MNC to suit your education (so they say. its only that the US dollar = 40 odd bucks , thats making your pockets richer. you are stil cheap labour to them) and fill your pockets. Suddenly after that your average 'Middle Class Guy till recenlty' starts having pizza at pizza hut every second day, splurges on designer wear, has a centralized AC at home, starts pubbing and spending more money every month than he would have spent in an year , a few years back.

Huh. Arent we loosing it here? Are their no ideals ? Are their no goals ?
Isnt there anybody who has a vision for this great country of ours ?
Noone ever wants to make small simple innovative things to improve our daily life ?
what happened to progress, innovation, charity, helping the country grow?
Does anybody in thus country even dream of doing something to change the world ?

A look at most of the young Indian Engineers at college and you can see it all.
They are only bothered about tomorrows assignment, next weeks test , final exam and getting marks.
After they get the job they'l be bothered about tomorrows office work, next months power bill and how to get the income tax waived.
Bloody Hell.

Where is the research you need to be doing at this ripe age ? Where is the zeal to excel ?
Does any want to make the fastest car in the world here ?
Is anyone thinking of improving wireless network protocols ?
how about the next biological breakthrough ?
Is anyone looking at getting roads , power and education to every corner of india ?
Does anyone know how many people in this country are still below the poverty line ?

Why does the average Indian Engineer still does not have it in him to (try, atleast) be of signficance and make a difference ?

people laugh at me coz i am different ..
i laugh at them , coz they are all the same ..
thats 'attitude' ..
and i live it !

1 comment:

Nikhil said...

What are you doing? Studying abroad right! Read it for yourself once again.