Wednesday, June 11, 2008

They think my college sucks !!!

just read a blog which ridicules my university, VIT , Vellore institute of technology ..

was just wondering at the audacity people can have to go about writing stuff about an institute of international repute .. did the guy want publicity ?
may be , he did !!
may be he wanted to defame my institute more than he wanted publicity ..

In fact , the reason for the outrage is , i think , not the fact that my institute has been rated better , not that the rating system is flawed , but the fact that his institute has been put down and shamed by not being in the top 10 , the dude's inflated ego couldn't quite comprehend with that fact ..

whatever said and done , the way undergraduate education is done in India , and from what i have heard , the world over , the institute contributes only 20% or even less to what an individual turns out to be in life .. its all up to the individual .. then i see no point in rating institutions and having pointless controversies ..
true talent will go no where .. it will surface at some point surely ..
only a matter of time ..

hmmm .. end !!
random blogger :)

people laugh at me coz i am different ..
i laugh at them , coz they are all the same ..
thats 'attitude' ..
and i live it !


ShArK said...

My dear friend

I never said you college "sucks". I have 2 major issues with your college. But before that let me clear one thing: IIIT deos not get any money from the government. We are just like you! self financed deemed university!

Do you know the difference between any IIT and VIT today? It's just 2 things. The faculty and the quality of student input. Everything else is a function of these 2 parameters.

This post was not to defame your college. I just put out facts, obtained from your staff, into public. This is something VIT should have done anyways. I'm sorry if you feel that I am trying to ruin the good name of your college. To be honest, I really liked the place. But compromising on academic quality and integrity is not the way forward for any institution and nothing said will justify it. I hope that if you think hard and long you will see the point of my post.

If you still feel that I have greatly mis-represented your college, I would request you to invite me to VIT and show me a better side of the college. Rest assured I will write a post about those good things you show me.


lalai dama said...

hey rishab ..

well , as i said in the post on your blog and as i say now , the huge intake does mean a compromise on quality .. no doubt ..

but , the institution is moving forward and improving .. without a doubt .. its improving man .. it will attract better talent and then , there will not be compromise on quality .. that day will come .. patience ..

And regarding lack of government funding for u people , check out these links ..
(fourth paragraph)

by the way , i have no interest in this discussion dude .. or proving a point .. so chill ..
theres no point rating the institutions , as i said on my blog .. individual talent always lives up for itself ..

only that iits and iiits already have the cream coming in , so they will mostly do good in life .. talented people from other colleges will do good as well ..

only thing was that the issue went a little overboard , which kind of hurt us a little bit .. but , no point in the discussion as it serves no purpose and doesn't solve anything ..

cheers ..